At its January 2 organizational meeting. the six commissioners present split 3-3 on a vote to re-confirm commissioner Larry Spataro as the city’s vice mayor. See how today’s debates played out.
A majority of the rest of Monday’s meeting consisted of questions and comments from the commission to the DMDC’s representatives, as well as community comments. Read on to learn more about the points discussed.
After the down vote, the city commission voted 4-1 to send out a request for proposals for private companies to provide a comparable service to city residents after the current city program funding expires. Commissioner Willie German voted against this measure.
“Currently you have to go through a very bureaucratic process to open something like an antique shop,” said Ward 3 Commissioner Larry Spataro. “We thought this would let businesses get up and running without the need for a special permit.”
Jeffrey Lewis – new Director of Public Safety was also introduced at the meeting. He officially started his duties with the city on January 3. Lewis replaced Anthony Kleibecker, who went to Michigan State University late last year. A 30-year law enforcement veteran, Lewis came from Milan, MI where he served as chief of police.