Transparency statement

The following information is provided as required by CPB (Corporation for Public Broadcasting) in compliance with the terms and conditions for WUVS-LP to receive grant funds from CPB.

To reach CBP, please visit their website

WUVS-LP studios and offices are located at 1877 Peck Street, Muskegon, MI. 49441 and we are open

Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. or by appointment.

WUVS-LP’s mailing address is: WUVS-LP

1877 Peck Street

Muskegon, MI. 49441

SECTION: CPB’s Policy: Transparency

  1. List of Station management and contact information:
  1. Program Director – Mehean Jones-Quinn (231) 727-5007 &
  2. News Reporter –
  3. Music Director – Robert Roundtree (231) 727-5007
  1. List of Board of Directors:

WUVS-LP is licensed by the FCC to West Michigan Community Help Network.     The current members of the Board of Directors are as follows:

Chairman- Robert Billings

Vice-Chairman – Gregory Roberts

Trustee – Louis Churchwell

Trustee – Cedric Jenkins

Trustee – Mia Clark

  1. List of Community Advisory Board Members:

WUVS-LP is advised by its Community Advisory Board, made up of appointed and elected members of the community.  Current members are:

President- Karen Buie

William Muhammad

Robert Roundtree II

  1. Date, time and place of all open meetings as determined by the Communications Act:

.  Their schedule and agendas can be found on our website.

The Directors’ open meeting policy can also be found here on our website.

The WUVS-LP Community Advisory Board normally meets twice a year  The public is welcome and can address the advisory board on any matter desired subject to the discretion of the Board. More information is available at

WUVS-LP certifies that it is meeting Federal and State laws regarding donor privacy and data security.

SECTION:  CPB POLICY:  Local Content and Services

Our 2018 Survey on Programming

CPB requires “Every grantee is required to answer and post on its website Station Activity Survey questions  related  to  its  content  and  services  that  serve  local  needs,  including  quantitative  and qualitative information about the impact of the local services in its community.  The definition of local content and service will be determined by the grantee.   When developing the answers, the grantee should consider the following elements:  Description of activities; Reach of activities (number of plays, viewers, participants, etc.); Overall impact or outcomes; Community feedback on activity (direct quotes from participants, community leaders, etc.); and Partnerships (list of organizations, including other public broadcasters) collaborating with grantee.

  1. The purpose of this section is to give you an opportunity to tell us about special, innovative efforts in which the grant recipient is involved. Responses may be shared with Congress or the public.
  1. Please briefly assess the impact that your CPB funding has on your ability to serve your community. What can you do with your grant that you wouldn’t be able to do if you didn’t receive it?

Approximately 90% of WUVS-LP’s operating budget is derived from underwriting.

WUVS-LP has resolved to do its best to grow its non-federal funding by aggressively pursuing new underwriting and expanding its event driven fundraising.

  1. Please describe any special activities you have undertaken in the areas of community service and outreach during the Year.

WUVS-LP reports on and produces original content regional news and public affairs programming, and provides: national and international news and syndicated public affairs programming; emergency information; a daily avalanche report in winter; public service announcements; community event announcements; an online event calendar; and multi-genre musical programming.

We produce the following events in the past year

  1. Annual Thurgood Marshall Job Fair
  2. Annual BEAT Awards
  3. Kids Free Trip to Africa
  4. Four public Forums a year on issues that affect the community
  5. Free Bus Trip to the Charles Wright Musuem in Detroit
  1. Please describe any special efforts you have made to increase your involvement with the educational community during the year. Include a brief description of any major educational services provided.

Our radio station kicked off a program called men of color read. This program brings African American men into the classroom of one of local elementary school once a month. We average 15 to 30 men each month, who are encouraging the kids to be readers.

As a long-standing community broadcaster, WUVS-LP is committed to diversity in its programming service, engagement with communities of all types, and in its staffing and cultural practices.  Specific examples of our practices and programming by community members from all walks of life are available at our website

–   The extent to which its staff and governance reflect such diversity.

Presently, the gender make up of WUVS-LP constituencies show: Paid Professional Staff:  4 men, 2 women

Board of Directors:  4 men, 1 women

On –Air Volunteer Staff:  5 men, 3 women

Advisory Board:  2 men, 1 women

Although the large majority of staff and governance of WUVS-LP are African American, this reflects the demographic of the WUVS-LP listening area. Our audience is 80% African American

WUVS-LP: CPB Required Compliance Information

WUVS-LP always seeks qualified diverse candidates for its Board of Directors and Community Advisory


  1. Implement a diversity training program for members of the organization’s governing board of directors on an annual basis.
  1. Participate in minority or other diversity job fair.

WUVS produces the largest Job fair in this area in an effort to increase diversity.

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