In a 9-0 vote, the county board authorized the issuance of bonds “in the principal amount of not-to-exceed forty ($40) million in total, according to county documents.
“This is one of the most comfortable times I have ever felt,” said commissioner Charles Nash. “I think we’ve made a great choice in an architect and a great choice in a construction manager.”
District 3 commissioners Susie Hughes questioned the board’s renewal of Williams’ contract because they did not send out a request for proposals to select the lowest bid.
Each committee has a different planning focus, and can help influence policy goals and recommendations of the county commission. Those appointed to the county’s 19 committees often bring strategic views or advocacy to the table. To ensure certain interests are represented, “slots” are given to different professions or public/private status.
Two finalists, publicly known only as Company A and Company B at this time, are being kept secret at this time as not to jeopardize any negotiations. Both companies are apparently very similar. They each involve a large, European part and a local part working in a joint venture partnership.
Commissioner Scott Plummer of District 7 expressed concern that last Thursday’s events in Grand Rapids might happen here too if CMH is not adequately supported.
Terry Sabo will fill the vacant 5th seat on the Muskegon County Road Commission, not Eric Rothoff, whose appointment was debated and overturned. The four-month process has raised questions about the County Commission following its own rules when making appointments.