This is not to be confused with the deficit that Muskegon Heights Public Schools continues to carry from before it outsourced educational and other services to Mosaica Education in 2012.
“We don’t want the barrier of a uniform, of transportation, to be in the way,” said Alena Zachery-Ross, Regional VP for Mosaica Education. “We will work with them to take that barrier away.”
Following up the uniform discussion, Mosaica Regional VP Alena Zachery-Ross urged parents to enroll or re-enroll their students sooner rather than later.
October’s official count day, which helps figure out what amount of state aid school districts receive, yielded a count of 1,222, in line with recruitment hopes but just over 200 students short of a projected number set forth in its budget projections.
Regional VP Alena Zachery-Ross spoke positively about Saturday’s enrollment fair, which enrolled 80 students in one day and increased total enrollment to over half of the 1,200 anticipated by Mosaica.
A PSAP, or Personal Student Achievement Plan, will be reviewed with each student plus teachers and parents every 10 weeks through the year to see what goals are being met adjustments should be made.
“The goal is to pour as many resources in the schooling as possible in the first year instead of building surpluses or deficits,” said Mosaica vice president for school finance Roger Gray.