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EducationLocal GovernmentNews

After Unprecedented and Possibly Bellwether Emergency Financial Manager Request, Muskegon Heights Board Of Education Dispels Rumors, Says Farewell To Superintendent Bryant

Board president Burrell noted at Monday’s meeting that the district’s move to proactively ask for an EFM was not just unprecedented, but it might be a bellwether move for the whole state to follow. Coincidental to last week’s request by Muskegon Heights, some members of Michigan’s state legislature might be asking Governor Snyder to change the existing emergency financial manager law to function in a similar way.

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Local GovernmentNews

City of Muskegon Heights Passes 2012 Budget, Seeing No Layoffs or Service Cuts

From budget documents, the city anticipates $6,109,828 in revenues and $5,975,597 in expenditures in 2012. This leaves a $134,231 operating fund balance. Under the umbrella of Public Safety, the city’s police and fire departments have a budget of 2,813,084, which includes grants received by both departments and is roughly 47% of the city’s total expenditures.

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Local GovernmentNews

Muskegon Heights Council Looks To Expand Public Communication Further Online

The council and mayor mostly supported the idea but desired more answers: who would maintain the page and record videos, would all council members would have a say what is shared, how it would interact with the existing city’s web site and how those who aren’t social media users would stay informed.

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EducationLocal GovernmentNews

State of Michigan Not Interested In Taking Over Muskegon Heights Public Schools; More Deficit Cuts Still Needed

Multiple board members and Dr. Bryant acknowledged a greater need for the need for the public to stay in the know. Approximately 15 members of the public attended Monday’s special meeting. The board wished for more, both to spread the work and hear suggestions. “We need to educate our public,” said board president Avery Burrel, “And we need to have more forums where our parents come together and let them know what’s going on in our district.”

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Local GovernmentNews

New MATS Bus Stops Create Challenges For Those With Decreased Mobility

The new MATS bus stops are currently posted every 2 to 4 blocks. In numerous high-traffic places there are no sidewalks including East Sherman Avenue, Hoyt Street and Apple Avenue. A resident who spoke at Thursday’s transportation committee meeting cited a lack of snow-shoveling ordinances in the Cities of Muskegon and Muskegon Heights as a barrier to bus access for the blind, those in wheelchairs and other mobility challenges. A lack of sidewalks in townships and villages is also barrier to accessing buses.

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EducationLocal GovernmentNews

Muskegon’s Move To The OK Black Conference: Who, When and Why?

While the move is primarily viewed through a football lens due to Muskegon’s strong program and the current fall time frame, the move is described as a benefit for the district’s other sporting programs. The realignment matches schools closer in total student enrollment. The new OK Black has a size range of only a few hundred students from largest to smallest. Previously, Muskegon played schools twice its size, such as Rockford.

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EducationLocal GovernmentNews

President Rev. Charles Poole to Step Down After 22 Years on Muskegon’s Board of Education

Rev. Poole advocated for departing board member Earl “Bill” O’Brien to fill the vacancy in his comments Tuesday. O’Brien recently lost reelection, coming third in a field of four candidates vying for two seats. “Bill is needed at this time in ways many don’t even realize,” said Rev. Poole.

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Local GovernmentNews

As New Members Sworn In, Heights Council Approves Police Internship Program, Names Sims Next Mayor Pro Tem

The changing of the guard on the Muskegon Heights City Council includes several changes in the coming weeks. Among them, the position of mayor pro tem will change. As the top recipient of votes in this year’s election, mayor pro tem will pass to councilwoman Sims from its current holder, councilman Watson, effective immediately for the next year. In one year, Patrice Johnson will take the reins, having received the second highest vote tally.

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EducationLocal GovernmentNews

Heights School Board Questions Validity of State Takeover Comments, Gives Deficit Answer Timeline

Comments from Education Achievement System chancellor John Covington come as the board, district superintendent Dr. Dana Bryant, the district’s auditors and representatives of other arms of the district will head to Lansing Wednesday to submit their deficit elimination plan for the coming school year.

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