As high school students from minoritized groups continue to enroll in our nation’s predominately white colleges and universities, many are still unaware how to effectively navigate these foreign social and academic environments.
Muskegon’s school board voted to not just pink-slip some segments of its employee base, but to send out non-renewal notices to all who are employed by the district. While no one is necessarily out of a job yet, no one knows for sure they will be employed after July 1 either.
With budget figures from Lansing still up in the air, Muskegon Heights school board president Avery Burrel noted their district will try to work with other districts to weather cuts that may hit the whole county.
minister farrakhan press conference [podcast][/podcast]
In exchange for being able to schedule games on the field in the months of April and May, the Lakeshore Baseball Club will maintain the field in those months, including bringing it up to regulation standards. This agreement could save the city maintenance dollars.
92nd House Representative Marcia Hovey-Wright and Muskegon Heights Superintendent Dr. Dana Bryant gave reports to the city council and school board about changes coming from Lansing that may hit Muskegon Heights especially hard.