Local Government

Local GovernmentNews

Muskegon County To Apply For Grant To Buy Rest of Willbrandt Farm Property For Cleanup

The fields run right up next to the east end of Bear Lake, and are considered an environmental risk because the contamination from years of pesticide use and intense crop growth could leak into Bear Lake, and potentially into Muskegon Lake and Lake Michigan by extension.

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Community EventsLocal ElectionLocal Government

Muskegon Heights Community Forum Talks About Jail, Emergency Manager, Millage Renewal, Features Benton Harbor Councilman

Discussion of the referendum and PA-4 swayed hard to one side – against the proposal. This was primarily due to a presentation by Benton Harbor city councilman Marcus Mohammed, a strong opponent of the law.

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EducationLocal Government

Muskegon Superintendent Claims State Keeps More Education Funding Under New Model

Superintendent Jon Felske claims funds are withheld by the State of Michigan when students switch districts. Referring to them as “transient students”, he noted these students might move mid-week and miss several days of school between leaving one district and starting at another.

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