Natasha Henderson

Local GovernmentNews

Muskegon Heights Promotes Fire Lieutenant to Chief; Will Also Focus on Inspections Department

Dean sees blight fighting as his first priority, followed by increasing the customer service quality of the departments. Dean also suggested at Monday’s meeting that he hopes to make the inspections department a “revenue-neutral” area of the city government.

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Local GovernmentNews

Will Boarding Up The Historic Strand Theater Reduce Interest From Possible Developers or Preserve The Property For Them?

“The Strand is older than the Frauenthal,” said councilwoman Patrice Johnson of the former Michigan Theater on Western Avenue in Muskegon, which is about 7 years younger than the Strand and received a renovation over a decade ago. “I think that’s a really big deal.”

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Local GovernmentNews

Muskegon Heights City Council Authorizes $2 Transaction Fee For Forgotten Water Bills

On a recommendation from the city manager, the city council voted 5-1 to charge residents a 2 dollar “Transaction Service Fee” for payments made without bills present at the time of payment. The fee is meant to offset the administrative costs associated with locating the resident’s account and verify the payment amount on demand.

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Local GovernmentNews

City of Muskegon Heights to Join Muskegon Central Dispatch’s Internet Phone System

New fiber lines will not need to be run to city hall for the service, as the city’s police and fire departments already have the lines; this is a significant cost savings for implementation. New phone equipment will need to be purchased, and will cost $40,000 over 5 years. According to the city’s finance department, this will still save the city $7,000 a year for until the equipment is paid off; after that, savings of roughly $15,000 a year will be achieved.

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EconomyLocal GovernmentNews

Heights City Council, City Manager Discuss Shaking “Old Foundry Town” Reputation

Before Monday’s full council meeting, City Manager Natasha revisited the four focus areas the council defined in a planning workshop at the start of their 2011 fiscal year in January: fiscal responsibility, infrastructure, blight elimination and marketing. Tying into the marketing goal, Henderson spoke about economic development of the city and recommended the council assess their visions of the future of the city from an economic development perspective.

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